A Little History
This story goes back 1673, to a time when Wren the famous architect built St Paul's Cathedral in London UK. It was to replace the old St Paul's that had stood since 604AD.
After the Great fire of London, the old St Paul's needed to be demolished. This presented Wren with his opportunity to build his own design, a new and glorious Building. Then after 35 years of construction, the new St Paul's stood as a profound statement to the ability of Wren's Skills in architectural design.
However, this is not the beginning of the story, Wren wonted, years before the devastating Great fire of London, to replace The Old St Paul's Cathedral, with a new and better St Paul's. The then Queen Anne had been approached on numerous occasions, showing some of the designs he intended to use to replace the old St Paul's Cathedral. His suggestions were thrown out of hand, as the rambling of unnecessary effort. Wren was most defiantly obsessed by the idea of rebuilding St Paul's, and as his mindset demolished the old St Paul's, and just as it was in his mind, so it was removed in reality!
The power of the mind, or would you say coincidence? He was determined to create the St Paul's Cathedral that stands today, and decided he would go to his grave trying, fortunately, he succeeded. When or if you try looking up the details to the grate fir of London you will find the plans for the New St Paul's Cathedral Started on record in 1673, and would be in the conception stage years before that. However, the Fire didn't start until 1675 strange! Well after the drawings were submitted to Queen Anne. Who incidentally said "no"?
P A Leeson
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Philip_Leeson
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